Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Skye Boat Song

I had a productive lesson today.  When the Battles O'er wasn't as bad as I thought it was-my instructor said it was fairly good, even the timing was close.  My new song is The Sky Boat Song-a personal favorite of mine.  I remembered this time to record her playing it for me which helps immensely when I'm fumbling through a new song.  And my new reed-a Warnock medium rocks!  For some odd reason that defied logic, I find it easier to hold a steady note on the pipes without cutting out issues with this, a supposedly harder reed.  One would think it would cut out more than a really easy reed, but that's not the case.  I was almost able to play Scots Wha Hae all the way through with no cutting out issues for my instructor-even those pesky high A notes.  And this reed is not nearly so sharp; even to my inexperienced ear it sounded flat and sure enough,we untaped my chanter and it sounded really good.  I managed the first few notes of Will Ye no Come Back Again And it would be nice to be able to play a couple of tunes for my next lesson on the pipes.  I'm hoping that very soon we'll uncork the mighty bass drone and I'll finally be playing the full Highland Bagpipes as they should be played.

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