Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Highland Cathedral

I finally played a tune decently for my instructor-granted, it was only Sky Boat Song, but I got through it at the proper, stately pace, and I managed to hit all the grace notes competently, even the birls.  Keep in mind that my embellishments and grace notes are still slow and clumsy, but I played them all nevertheless.  And I played Scots Wha Hae on the pipes all the way through with nary a single cut out!  I was very happy with that.  So my new tune is one of my favorites-Highland Cathedral.  Once again, I took it home thinking it would take me days to untangle.  Fortunately, it's another slow tune; thus I was able to play it straight out of the box.  It still needs lots of work but at least it's recognizable.  I wish I were one of those people who can play a tune the first time round, and play it well. simply by sight reading it...

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